Kat Bond
This week

My first Wilderness, ten years ago, was filled with a childlike wonder. I remember following performers on stilts, lit up like angels in the darkness, memorised by the dreamy spectacle...just following, following, following.
This month

Wonderful times with Wonderful people
This month

Creating memories with very special people, Wilderness we love you 🫶🏻
Gemma Brown
This month

All my moments with Fred at Wilderness are glorious—even the ones spent knee-deep in mud and rain. But if I had to pick a highlight, it would be the year we met, when we spontaneously bagged last-minute tickets to a long table banquet. It was delicious in every sense—great food, flowing wine, and the spark of something new between us. I’ll never forget Fred dashing across the field to grab a bottle of champagne, determined to impress me. That moment set the tone for our tradition—a winning combination of fine dining and festival fun, where we put the world to rights, one glass or dance at a time.
Chris Murphy
This month

My favourite was the Brassique! The show! Being invited into stage. The fabulous performance. The show itself was very inclusive
Joanna Lorente-Chapman
This month

I have many amazing memories that I can share as we have been to Wilderness probably around 5 times… more recently, to celebrate our wedding anniversary as it generally always falls on this weekend (it’s the 5th August). From early morning hot tubs in the rain one year, to hiring out the whole thing with friends, so many long table banquets (Tom Aikens, Angela Hartnett, Raymond Blanc) Sitting in the Veuve Cliquot area sipping champagne, upgrading to boutique and falling in love even more with the beauty that is Wilderness 💜 including our littlest one when he was just 1 year old and experiencing the magic with him. I could go on and / or focus on 1 key thing but there are just too many.
Sarah Corcoran
This month

We got engaged!! During the fleetwood mac hour in the club house. My fiance proposed during our song ‘everywhere’. The dj stopped congratulated us and played the song again. We then went onto see faithless. Best night evaaaa.
Danielle Argent
This month

My boyfriend proposed during Bjorn Again. I had no idea and was surrounded by our lovely friends. Being with our loved ones, crying with happy tears
Piers lewis with suzi lewis
This month

A great year to dress up
Vicki Shaw
This month

So many wonderful memories but smiles and laughing stand out for me. Silly games, cricket, Drag Storytime, dressing up, barn dancing and singing to Nirvana with a Mariachi band...bring it on 2025!
Eileen Dudley
This month

All of it but if I have to select the themes which made dressing up such a hoot ! It felt like playtime chatting as we helped each other with the costumes the sparkle and making such cool memories
Stacey Cooper
This month

So many unbelievable memories of wilderness - we’ve attended every addition so far. But one of the most special years was 2021. After an absence because of ‘that will which not be named’ being back in the field together with all of your very best friends was one of all of our most favourite memories. The weather was kind. Golden hour was spectacular. A disco nap was needed from all the fun.
Sam Murphy
This month

Lying on the field in the Sunshine, listening to the music, stories, and seeing the arts with a great atmosphere to match. We had an amazing time. Everyone was just so happy and relaxed. Can’t wait to go again.
This month
Watching bicep live!
Sam Trevethyen
This month

Two things really stood out for me - the Cocktails & Cabaret (the performs where UNREAL) and Brassique on the atrium, which was the HIGHLIGHT of my weekend. The Brassique show was the perfect balance of entertainment, showmanship and amazing dancing
Amber Thomas
This month
I met my partner at Wilderness Festival in 2018. I was wearing a red dress and walking up the hill in the dance village after watching Nile Rodgers from Chic. I’d lost my friends and had no phone battery so figured I’d make the most of my night and headed there. As I walked up the hill (Conor) my partner, said to his friend that I looked beautiful and he thought I was shimmering. I then (in darkness!) asked him for a light. He asked me where my friends were and when I told him what happened he invited me to hang out with him and his mates. We shared a kiss or two under the lights and remained friends for some years while I was away travelling. Snapshot to now and we have a 9 month old baby together and are very happy. We've been back since and hope to bring our son next year! I found the love of my life and we now have our gorgeous son Arthur because of this meeting.
Debs Boorman
This month

2019 was a blast
Jackie Theaker
This month

Sharing a bottle of fizz with our daughters
Jess Brown
This month

Spending time with these beautiful people at Wilderness is my favorite Summer memory
Lucy Peel
This month

It has to be the Cats Whiskers cabaret... the cocktails, the atmosphere, the amazing compere who delighted the crowd. The acts were phenomenal. I also chanced upon the Brassique performance which was insane... brass band and soul singers and the cabaret dancers giving us old school dance tunes. The whole crowd were dancing it was such an incredible vibe. Fave moment was us all singing and dancing to Bugsy Malone "we could have been anything that we wanted to be...babababa...
Henry Faulkner-Smith
This month

My family and I have attended Wilderness for the best part of 10 years. Last year, I went to a party the week before Wilderness, where I met the most fantastic lady, Alex. My sister unfortunately couldn’t attend, so on a whim, despite knowing her for less than two weeks, I decided to invite Alex to join me and my family. For some insane reason, she decided to attend, where she got to meet 15 of my favourite human beings in the world (my family) and spend the most amazing weekend with them all. At this moment, I realised that she was the most perfect person for me. She fitted in, got involved, and didn’t care to embarrass herself. That weekend I asked her to my girlfriend, and we haven’t looked back. This year we got to attended together again, although, she knew my family a lot better this time. This cemented our relationship, we had to get on, and she was willing to take the jump, and I look forward to doing so many more years with her