The Wilderness Choir


Sun 4th 13:00 - 13:20

The Atrium

Sat 3rd 13:00 - 14:10

The Atrium

Thu 11th 13:30 - 14:30

The Atrium

The Wilderness Choir form the centerpiece of our annual sing-a-long at The Atrium, accompanied by the marvellous Wilderness Orchestra. Come and drench yourself in the glory of an 8-part harmony.

The only qualification needed to take part is enthusiasm, but you must commit to both rehearsals.

Not the type to sign up in advance? No worries: you can join us on site by rocking up to the first rehearsal.

There will be a 50-piece orchestra accompanying you on stage, and hundreds of people singing in glorious eight-part harmony.

The Song we will be singing is...

"One Day Like This" by Elbow

To be part of the Wilderness Choir you must:
2. Commit to three events at the festival (two 1-hour rehearsals and a performance).
3. Be able to (kinda-sorta) hold a tune.

The three events you must be able to commit to are:

REHEARSAL ONE: Friday, Aug 2 at the Atrium | 13:30 - 14:30
REHEARSAL TWO: Saturday, Aug 3 at the Atrium | 13:00 - 14:10
PERFORMANCE: Sunday, Aug 4. The Atrium Stage | 13:00 - 13:20

Sign up to take part